Michael Ayers Profile

Michael Ayers
Michael Ayers.

132 of the sites I have visited I saw during my bicycle tour of the southern continents (02005-02008).


A second Grand Tour began in April 2019, though it was disrupted by unanticipated events, a good number of interesting Site visits were made 


Visited Sites Michael Ayers

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed

Recent Reviews Michael Ayers

Orkhon Valley

Michael Ayers USA/Madagascar - 09-Apr-22

Orkhon Valley

Visit in March 2022

This was the first Site that I visited during my hastily-arranged trip to Mongolia, just after the country had reopened after being closed for the previous two years. Though it is not ideal, it is possible to make a rewarding visit to this Site during the final, at least according to the calendar, week of winter. However, that particular time of the year did significantly affect the type of visit that I was able to make. While I normally would have preferred to travel to the Site and back by bicycling—there is now a reasonable-quality paved road for the entire distance from Ulaanbaatar to Kharkorin—the limited amount of time I had available and, more importantly, the still-cold weather ruled out that option

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Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain

Michael Ayers USA/Madagascar - 02-Apr-22

Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain

Visit in March 2022. 

When I began my second period of long-term travel in 2019, there were a small number of countries that I wanted to visit more than any others. One of those was Mongolia, a place that has fascinated me for decades. Accordingly, I planned a lengthy visit, to begin in July 2020, that would fit my usual travel goals, namely, to see a large portion of the country traveling by bicycle, to experience as much of its natural endowment as possible, and, of course, to visit at least two of its World Heritage Sites. I don’t need to explain why the 2020 visit never happened, and, with Mongolia closing more tightly than most other countries, it seemed certain to me that I never would be able to see that part of the World

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Struve Geodetic Arc

Michael Ayers USA/Madagascar - 24-Jul-20

Struve Geodetic Arc

Visit in July 2020

The Pandemic of 2020 completely demolished any hopes I had of ever attempting to visit any of the European Pile Dwellings locations, and it did its best to similarly affect that other collection of unobtrusive artifacts in obscure, out-of-the-way locations, the Struve Geodetic Arc. However, in the latter case I refused to be defeated. I originally had planned to see one or two of the locations in Lithuania, as many others have already done, but since that became problematic I needed to find another alternative. As luck would have it, the cluster of triangulation points in central-western Ukraine were not far from where I expected to be in late July, so I salvaged the opportunity to claim my Struve site visit by heading in that direction

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Thimlich Ohinga

Michael Ayers USA/Madagascar - 30-Jan-21

Thimlich Ohinga

Visit in January 2021

To partially compensate for being forced to cancel plans for visits to many top-level Sites in 2020 I intended to make visits to a few unreviewed, or seldom-visited Sites. As it turned out, most of those sites were unreviewed for good reasons, especially because onerous bureaucracy and remote locations made reaching them impractical, or impossible. The best I could come up with was a visit to Thimlich Ohinga, a Site that was unvisited primarily because it was only recently inscribed, in 2018. The Site is located in the southwestern corner of Kenya, in an area where sugarcane is the dominant farm crop, and which was pleasantly green during that time of year

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Rwenzori Mountains

Michael Ayers USA/Madagascar - 11-Jan-21

Rwenzori Mountains

Visit in December, 2020

Th [...]

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Profile Data

Michael Ayers
Most Impressive
Can't decide.
Geological Remnants of Ice Age Floods, USA; Spiny Forest Protected Areas, Madagascar; Antarctica (all of it)

Recently Visited WHS

Update 20.08.24
Rating Stats
Cuzco 3.5
Potosi 3.5
Quito 3.5
Sigiriya 3.5
Zacatecas 3.5
Goias 2.5
Lumbini 2.5
Puebla 2.5
Vat Phou 2.5
Lima 2
  1. Amazonia Theaters (T)
  2. Ancien site industriel de Mantasoa (T)
  3. Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
  4. Ancient Ruin of Drukgyel Dzong (T)
  5. Breiðafjörður Nature Reserve (T)
  6. California Current Conservation Complex (T)
  7. Cienaga de Zapata National Park (T)
  8. City Hall, Georgetown (T)
  9. City of Granada and its natural environment (T)
  10. Cultural Landscape of Canyon in Kamenets-Podilsk (T)
  11. Daegokcheon Stream Petroglyphs (T)
  12. Dzongs: the centre of temporal and religious authorities (Punakha Dzong, Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, Paro Dzong, Trongsa Dzong and Dagana Dzong) (T)
  13. Early Chicago Skyscrapers (T)
  14. Gdansk - Town of Memory and Freedom (T)
  15. Gola-Tiwai complex (T)
  16. Historic Center of the City of Trujillo (T)
  17. Historical city of Izamal (Izamal, Mayan continuity in an Historical City) (T)
  18. Îles volcaniques de Sao Tomé et Principe (T)
  19. Inle Lake (T)
  20. La Haute Ville d’Antananarivo (T)
  21. La Rambla (promenade maritime) de la Cité de Montevideo (T)
  22. Lake Tana Island Monasteries and its Adjacent Wetland Natural and Cultural Heritages (T)
  23. Lake Titicaca (T)
  24. Le lac Tanganyika (T)
  25. Les Plages du Débarquement, Normandie, 1944 (T)
  26. Mon cities : Bago, Hanthawaddy (T)
  27. Mount Vernon (T)
  28. Reef System in the Cuban Caribbean (T)
  29. Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
  30. St.Georges Anglican Cathedral (T)
  31. Sud-Ouest Malgache, Pays Mahafaly (T)
  32. Tayrona and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Parks and their Archaeological Sites (T)
  33. The medieval palace complex of Gorkha (T)
  34. Torres del Paine and Bernardo O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Magallanes (T)
  35. Upo Wetland (T)
  36. Ver-o-Peso (T)
  37. Western Area Peninsula National Park (T)

Top 50 Missing Sites

  1. Andaman Islands
  2. Bagan
  3. Baikonur Cosmodrome / Cape Canaveral
  4. Cape York and the islands of the Torres Strait
  5. Ciudad Perdida, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
  6. Dzongs of Bhutan
  7. Forests of Southern New Caledonia
  8. Golden Gate Bridge
  9. Lake Titicaca
  10. Major Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright
  11. Mammoth Bone Burials
  12. Mt Kailash
  13. Naica Cave: Cave of the Crystals
  14. Okavango Delta
  15. Plain of Jars / Sites Mégalithiques de la province de Xieng Khouang
  16. Railways of the Andes
  17. Shwedagon Pagoda
  18. The Sacred Complex of Babylon
  19. The Sublime Karsts of Papua New Guinea
  20. Torres del Paine National Park